As the year goes on...

At the end of last year I was determined to make 2018 MY year. Now you may say oh that's so stereotypical, no one really follows through with that. Now let me explain that this was not a new years resolution, it was a vow to myself. 2017 was a roller coaster year for me and so many of the goals that I had wanted to reach disappeared right before my eyes. I wanted to make sure that I reached those goals this year. Last year one of my goals was to purchase a house, a lot happened and that wasn't one of those things. I was disappointed. I worked hard the previous year to get my credit score up and set myself up to be able to purchase. This year I was going through the home buying process when I learned about My Angel.  It honestly took me until today to give myself credit and realize that I accomplished one of my goals. I BOUGHT A HOUSE!!! As I continue 2018 I am still determined to make it my year.

When hardships come into your life its important to make sure that you don't stop living your life. Don't stop acknowledging every little thing that you do that is an accomplishment not matter how small. If you have a goal to workout and you start with a 15 minute walk, that's an accomplishment. Don't compare yourself to what others can do. Compare yourself to what you did yesterday. If you didn't walk 15 minutes yesterday, guess what you accomplished something. We spend so much time as humans, comparing ourselves to what others do and what others have. We need to make the world our own and compete with ourselves. That's my motivational speak for the day!

Another goal of mine this year was to work on my faith. Last year when I had my battle with depression, my belief in God was gone completely. I have always had a struggle because I am a very fact based person, but still held on to my beliefs. I lost it and I wanted it back. It's stronger than ever and it's not because I only want to be healed or I'm afraid to die and not go to heaven. It's because a true feeling of faith came over me and sits in my soul. I reflected on everything that has happened in my life all the way back to what I can remember and realized every single thing has led to something. Every good puzzle piece and every bad puzzle piece has fit together. And let me tell you, there were many bad puzzle pieces. All of it has brought me to where I am today. I sit and think about what it would have been like if My Angel had been found earlier, last year. It scares me to think about that because I was in such a horrible mindset and having this kind of diagnosis would have brought me to a terrifying low point. Sometimes we don't know why bad things happen and we're mad and we ask God why and we don't understand. In those times we have to have more faith than ever because we don't know what is in store for the next season. Always live your best life. Stay positive even in the darkest of times and know that the revelation will come.

Anyone who would like to increase their faith and prayer, I encourage you to complete the 40 day prayer challenge. I am doing it with a book called Draw the Circle by Mark Batterson, but I am sure that there are others or you can do it on your own!

Thanks for reading! Love you all!


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